CabBazar v6.0 APK + MOD (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO)
CabBazar - Taxi Booking made easy.
Updated on May 14, 2024
Name | CabBazar |
Genre | Travel & Local |
Version | 6.0 |
Developers | CabBazar |
ID | com.cabbazar_user |
Size | 15Mb |
Requirement | 5.0 |
Download | 100,000+ |
Features MOD APK of CabBazar
Download CabBazar MOD APK with Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO.MENU MOD
- Unlocked Premium.
- Unlocked VIP.
- Unlocked Pro.
- Free.
- MOD Paid.
Install CabBazar MOD APK
To download CabBazar (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) APK and other applications at you should see the instructions below.- You can download it by clicking the download button below the article. Then wait a few seconds for the system to automatically download the CabBazar MOD APK / DATA file
- To install software anywhere else, you have to enable installation from third-party sources.
- Enable the "Unknown Sources" setting: Go to Menu > Settings > Security > and check for unknown sources so that your phone can install applications from sources other than the Google Play Store.
- Once you have completed the above step, you can go to the "Download" folder in the file manager and click on the downloaded MOD APK file.
After the installation is complete, you can open the application and experience as usual.
Note: Before installing the APK MOD, you need to uninstall the original version or another MOD version.
About CabBazar
CabBazar Advantages:
• CabBazar’s promise of quality – Punctual, Secure and Trustworthy
• Discounted fares on Outstation/ Local city travel
• Our expert drivers will show you some of the best sites and take you to your destination’s best kept secrets
• We’ll make sure your cab is clean for every trip, even if it’s a quick trip around town
• We’ll ensure your cab reaches you on time so you can make the most of your vacation
• Travel in comfort with our wide range of cars
How to book a CabBazar for your vacation:
• Choose your pickup and destination locations
• Choose the dates of travel and pick-up time
• Select the type of car you want you take on your journey
• Enter your name, contact number and pick-up address
• Make your payment online, or choose to pay at the end of the trip
That’s it! Your driver will arrive at your pick-up location with your cab. Happy journey!
CabBazar Car Rentals is India’s largest cab service provider and is present across various cities in India. The CabBazar app allows you to conveniently book a car for your outstation travel needs.
• Planning a weekend getaway? Our outstation cab services will help you explore the best destinations, visit all the must-see places and taste the best local food.
• Did you just land at an airport or railway station closest to your destination? Use our airport and transit pick up to cover the last mile.
• Are you an offbeat traveller? Do you just hit the road and decide to take it from there? We offer one-way drops on several routes, in case you only want to be dropped to your destination.
To know more about our services, visit For any suggestions, questions or complaints, drop us an email at or call on +91-7777-880-880
What's new in version 6.0
-New Notifications added-Referral program added
-Validation for numbers extented
-Help feature added
-New Designs
-Date issue fixed.
-Booking Related Bug fixed
-Minor bugs fixed
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. How to download CabBazar on
To download CabBazar Apk Mod, please click on the download button at the top of the article or at the end of this article. You will then find the Apk file on's “Download” page. Follow the necessary instructions and you will download CabBazar MOD APK (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) for free.
The installation steps after downloading most premium app are the same. Open menu, settings, security and search for unknown sources so your phone can install apps from sources other than Google Play Store, Go to the “Downloads” folder on your device and click on the downloaded file. Then install and launch it on your phone. Wait a moment for the device to install the premium app.
Q. Is it safe to download CabBazar APK Mod (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) on
When the user downloads the Apk file from, we will check the relevant APK file on Google Play and let the user download it directly. The games and applications uploaded to our website are safe and harmless to users.
Q. Why do you need permission to install CabBazar Mod Hack (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) ?
The app needs access to the system on your device. When you install an application, you will be notified of all the permissions required to run the application.
CabBazar (com.cabbazar_user) is a premium app on Android, download the latest version of CabBazar Hack Mod (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) 2022 for Android. This premium app can be played for free and does not require root.
CabBazar MOD APK (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) APK + OBB 2022 can be downloaded and installed on your android device with android version 4.1 or higher. Download this premium app using your favorite browser and click install to install the premium app. Downloading (com.cabbazar_user) APK + DATA of CabBazar (Premium Unlocked/VIP/PRO) from is easier and faster.
Reviews from users
farhat jabeen: This is the worst app, never book ride on this app,this is a fraud app,at the time of ride driver demands extra charges and denied for the ride and this app (company) cancelled my ride and reason given by the company was that the customer request due to that they had cancelled my ride and no refund they have given to me ,i have requested them a lot and the driver also tell them to refund my money but the company didn't refunded my money,i requested them to refund mamy times but they not refunded
Akshay Ratan Agarwal: Good and swift booking, rates are very competitive. Instant booking. Only technology to make app better can be done. Rest, i use their service for outstation travel and very happy with it.
Ajay Gupta: Have utilised the app for booking outstation cabs three times. Have found the app very user friendly and responsive. Had no difficulty in placing the order, payment of booking amount. The confirmation is instant which is followed up by a call from the cabbazar executive. The taxis are neat and clean and the drivers are courteous and punctual. My compliments to the entire team of cabbazar
honor mobile: It was a good experience with Cabbazar. However, cleanliess is not maintained in car. The driver is good and cooperative. The can was running on time for departure and arrival both. The company needs to enhance the cabbazar application because it is not that user-friendly.
Manish Piyush: Booking experience was very good. Narveer(cab-pilot) was very humble and friendly. Overall cost calculation at trip end should be automated to have better pricing suggestions for upcoming customers.
Shobhit Khalkho: First app will show you cheapest price,then just before payment they increase price And after journey the price will also increase and finally you will end paying a lot. There customer service call center is also the worst they won't help you either and will force you to accept the booking and avoid cancellation. Recommendations: Not to use this app.
Oli Borah: They won't give you refund if you're unable to take the ride. In my case, I was given a wrong number of the driver for which I had to cancel the ride. When I requested them to return my advance, they tried to give me app credit which I didn't accept. Please be careful before booking with them.
chintamani kanti: They take advance and assign you a cab, Always another cab turns up at your location and most of the cabs are CNG operated and they will charge you extra if running on petrol. If you cancel it then they will charge you the entire booking amount . Most of the cabs they provide are old models and not sanitised. Customer support is very poor, they will only call you when you search a booking. No feedback call or customer support if cab arrives late or any mishap. Overall very poor services.
Download CabBazar MOD APK for Android
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